TransformGizmo Constructor
Constructor of the TransformGizmo control object.
- GUIControls.TransformGizmo(viewport, controls, options, paramNameModelMatrix,
The GUI control object can either be bound to an paramate open parameter or not (see
The GUI control is designed in a flexible style that allows to control either open parameters of type of matrix or an array of matrices. The type is automatically determined from the open parameter. See explanation to argument paramNameModelMatrix.
- viewport
The paramate viewport object (see viewport constructor or viewport for WebGL constructor).
- controls
The paramate controls object (see manually generated controls or auto generated controls).
- options
An object containing settings for the control. It shall have the following form:
hasChildren: <boolean>,
worldSpace?: <boolean>,
gizmoSize?: <number>,
rotStepInRadians?: <number>,
scalingMin?: <number>,
dragModeActive?: <boolean>,
drawLabel?: <boolean>,
labelText?: string[],
translateActiveX?: <boolean>,
translateActiveY?: <boolean>,
translateActiveZ?: <boolean>,
translateSize?: <number>,
translateOffset?: <number>,
rotateActive?: <boolean>,
rotateActiveX?: <boolean>,
rotateActiveY?: <boolean>,
rotateActiveZ?: <boolean>,
rotateSize?: <number>,
rotateOffset?: <number>,
scaleActive?: <boolean>,
scaleActiveX?: <boolean>,
scaleActiveY?: <boolean>,
scaleActiveZ?: <boolean>,
scaleUniform?: <boolean>,
scaleSize?: <number>,
scaleOffset?: <number>
- options.hasChildren
Required parameter. Boolean value that defines whether a control has nested controls or not. (Default: false)
- options.worldSpace
Optional parameter. Defines whether the gizmo is drawn in the world (global) or model (local) space. (Default: true)
- options.gizmoSize
Optional parameter. Defines the size of the control's handles. (Default: 5)
- options.rotStepInRadians
Optional parameter. Defines the step of the control's rotation. (Default: ~5 degrees)
- options.scalingMin
Optional parameter. Defines the allowed minimum of scaling value of the model. (Default: 0.5 mm)
- options.dragModeActive
Optional parameter. Defines whether it is possible to move gizmo on arbitrary axes by dragging it's centre point. (Default: true)
- options.drawLabel
Optional parameter. Boolean value that defines whether the helper labels will be rendered together with the gizmo centre point. (Default: false)
- options.labelText
Optional parameter. List of string values that define the text for the labels that shall be rendered. This parameter shall be ignored if the options.drawLabel parameter is set to false.
- options.translateActiveX
Optional parameter. Defines whether the translate X handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.translateActiveY
Optional parameter. Defines whether the translate Y handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.translateActiveZ
Optional parameter. Defines whether the translate Z handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.translateSize
Optional parameter. Defines the size of the control's translation picker. (Default: 6)
- options.translateOffset
Optional parameter. Defines the offset of the text for translation handles. (Default: 20)
- options.rotateActive
Optional parameter. Defines whether the rotation feature is active or not. (Default: true)
- options.rotateActiveX
Optional parameter. Defines whether the rotate X handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.rotateActiveY
Optional parameter. Defines whether the rotate Y handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.rotateActiveZ
Optional parameter. Defines whether the rotate Z handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.rotateSize
Optional parameter. Defines the size of the control's rotation picker. (Default: 8)
- options.rotateOffset
Optional parameter. Defines the offset of the text for rotation handles. (Default: 20)
- options.scaleActive
Optional parameter. Defines whether the scaling feature is active or not. (Default: true)
- options.scaleActiveX
Optional parameter. Defines whether the scale X handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.scaleActiveY
Optional parameter. Defines whether the scale Y handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.scaleActiveZ
Optional parameter. Defines whether the scale Z handle active or not. (Default: true)
- options.scaleUniform
Optional parameter. Defines whether the scaling shall be uniform or not. (Default: true)
- options.scaleSize
Optional parameter. Defines the size of the control's scaling picker. (Default: 6)
- options.scaleOffset
Optional parameter. Defines the offset of the text for scaling handles. (Default: 20)
- paramNameModelMatrix
Optional parameter. A string defining the name of the paramate open parameter.
- paramNameWorldMatrix
Optional parameter. A string defining the name of the paramate open parameter.
- modelMatrix
Optional parameter. An array of elements of type Matrix44 that define the inital value of the control. If the control is attached to an open parameter (i.e. if argument paramNameModelMatrix is not undefined), this parameter is ignored.
- worldMatrix
Optional parameter. An array of elements of type Matrix44 that define the inital value of the control. If the control is attached to an open parameter (i.e. if argument paramNameWorldMatrix is not undefined), this parameter is ignored.