Creates a 2d curve of the convex hull of the input.
- conv_hull_xy( vector points[] )
- conv_hull_xy( solid body )
The conv_hull_xy function performs a projection of its given input onto the X/Y plane and generates a convex hull from it. The convex hull is returned in form of a curve.
solid dragon = rotation( <[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]>, PI/2) >>
mesh( "dragon_vrip.ply" )
make dragon
make extrusion( conv_hull_xy( dragon ), <[0.0, 0.0, 0.05]> )
- points
An array of vectors that will be projected onto the X/Y plane to form the 2d-convex hull curve from.
- body
A solid that is be projected onto the X/Y plane to form the 2d-convex hull curve from.
Return value
A closed ref_dtypecurve on the X/Y plane that is the projected convex hull.