Upload File
This request uploads a parameter file to a configuration session. The difference between this request and the Upload New File request is that this one needs a specified file ID, and it will upload the file there, overwriting if another one is already uploaded with the same ID.
- PUT /configsessions/{sessionID}/files/{fileID}
- sessionID
The ID of the configuration session
- fileID
The ID of the file for later identification
- content-type
The MIME type of the file. Only certain file types are accepted, depending on the CAD system.
- Authorization
Bearer {token}
{API key}
- raw
The file data
The token (file ID) that can be used as a parameter value, in a JSON format.
see format in the example below
The difference between this request and the Upload New File request is that this one needs a specified file ID, and it will upload the file there, overwriting if another one is already uploaded with the same ID.
Example request
PUT https://api.paramate.trinckle.com/configsessions/305bdb5c-cf8f-4256-9180-fe050d119f03/files/bWFpbjp0ZXN0
-H Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1Ni ... 3H8gC1k2DIKNEeJpb72yvmdY
-H X-API-KEY: 5b260091e8a03ab9af7716af0d71474a
[raw file data]
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
"token": "bWFpbjpvYmplY3Q="